Structuring a Serverless application
AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM)
Serverless application structure
Creating a Reusable Delivery Pipeline
Packaging and Distributing your Pipeline
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Sample Application Structure
Creating a serverless application
Exploring the Hello World app
Deleting the Sample App
Cloning the Service Repo
Deploying the Backend Service
Testing the APIs
Create the CI/CD Pipeline
Create a CodeCommit Repository
Configure IAM Roles & Permissions
Generate CodeCommit Credentials
Upload Code to Repository
Create a S3 Bucket for Build Artifacts
Multi-Environment Pipeline Setup
Configure Additional Build Actions
Configure Deploy Actions
Trigger New Release
Packaging and Distributing the Pipeline
AWS Service Catalog
Packaging the Node.js Application
Creating a Pipeline CloudFormation Template
Creating a Service Catalog Product
Granting Access to Users Launch the Product
Launching a Serverless Project
Testing the APIs
What Have We Accomplished
Let us know what you think!
Remove the Environment Stacks
Delete the S3 Bucket
Undeploy the Service Catalog
Delete the CodeCommit Repositories
Cleanup the Workspace
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AWS Serverless Application Catalog Workshop
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